This morning, I attended a meeting with Wally's full medical team, and he's actually rallying. The doctor explained that it's not that the Parkinson's drugs shouldn't be taken. It's that in level 4 of the disease (end stages) the drugs are no longer effective. Some doctors, in trying to retain the patient's quality of life, prescribe higher dosages but at this stage the higher dosage is actually too toxic for the body to handle. He gave the example of giving someone Tylenol who doesn't respond to the medication. So one doesn't work to kill a headache, the person takes two. Two doesn't work, so he takes three.
I apologize for any misleading information I may have posted earlier. I was stunned and angry to see how much better Wally was doing off the PD drugs. Whether his associated conditions have been side effects of the agonists or natural extensions of his PD, we really don't know at this point. All any of us can do is the best that we can--that includes doctors and pharmaceutical companies.
Wally's team doctor explained that he has removed all of Wally's agonists, sedatives and reduced his Sinemet dosage to half of what it was. This is why he is not experiencing dyskinesia (excessive shaking). The doctor also said that, if he sees Wally becoming irritated, he will remove the last dosages of the Sinemet as well. He will only give Wally what he needs to remain comfortable, and Wally agreed that, if he got a flu bug and needed some anitbiotic, he would accept it but that is all. He wants no heroics to save his life. He's ready to go into God's arms.
At this moment, Wally's overall bloodwork is better. He's gained a few pounds--up from 92 pounds to 99.7 lbs. He's back to exercising and taking a daily walk on his stroller, and he's eating everything he's served, even two desserts if he can get them. The state of his wound remains stable. This progress could not have been reached if he had remained in the assisted living residence where he was.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. It has helped both Wally and me immeasurably, and we will carry on being here for the rest of you.
Love and hugs,
Truth Teller #7 Edmund Burke
Truth Teller #7 Edmund Burke. I will throw conservatives a bone here by
quoting the father of modern conservatism. I think his observation that
1 day ago