There are all kinds of bravery and much of it is never seen.
Today Wally refused to take his meds, food or water. He just wants to sleep for a thousand years. He told me he was tired of the pain, and he has never complained of pain before. When I told him I had left orders with the nursing team not to make him do anything he did not want to do, he squeezed my hand and said, "Thank-you."
A long time ago I promised him I would let him go when he told me the time had come. I have kept my promise, but I can't stop crying. I have kept these tears and this pain from him, but now I can't hold back. Tomorrow he may not know me at all. God is coming for him soon. Then I will rejoice that he is free ... at last. And home, in God's arms, where he belongs.
And he will join my sister-in-spirit, Ellie, at the Bonwallelle Bench, to wait for me.
Truth Teller #7 Edmund Burke
Truth Teller #7 Edmund Burke. I will throw conservatives a bone here by
quoting the father of modern conservatism. I think his observation that
1 day ago